Miniature Market
2061 Congressional Dr Come in and take a look. The store is located in Saint Louis, Missouri at 2061 Congressional Drive. Call to see if it stocks Warmachine, Warhammer 40K, Hordes, Flames of War or Warhammer games. Click the Edit link if you frequent this store to help people find out about what games it offers. ReviewIf you've shopped at Miniature Market, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsYes, I play there (and try and buy something each time) so I can say it is well worth visiting. Most of the miniatures lines don't interest me but there are very active groups for them so don't let my biases deter you! Really nice staff available to help but not "omnipresent" while you meander through the games/miniatures. -- Glenn Wilson Miniaturemarket has the lowest prices on the net. And their service is top notch if you need mini's this is the place to go. Their prices are very hard to beat:) -- louis |