The Gamer's Realm
2025 Old Trenton Road Stop by and check it out. The store is located in West Windsor, New Jersey at 2025 Old Trenton Road. Phone to see if it carries Warhammer 40K, Flames of War, Hordes, Warhammer or Warmachine games. Use the Edit link if you visit this store to tell us more about what games it sells. ReviewIf you've shopped at The Gamer's Realm, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsI live about 3 miles from this store. It's had a rough history for being the kind of game shop that we hardcore gamers cringe at. Dark lighting, dingy atmosphere, pushy clerks, AWOL clerk when you are ready to check out, outrageously priced items, and too much emphasis on Magic : the Gathering. Sadly, it's the closest shop within 40 miles, so I have to stop in every now and then. It's missing the F in the FLGS acronym and replaced it with an O for Overcharging. -- A Local Guy |